Artificial Intelligence Featured Making Bilingual Books with AI and the Classics There aren't enough bilingual books to support language learning. AI automation and classic literature can help.
Artificial Intelligence AI FAQ: Why Does AI Hallucinate? We all know that AI can "hallucinate." But why does it make up false facts and present them so confidently?
Artificial Intelligence Comparing AI Summarization Models: Bruce Lee Edition What happens when competing models try to summarize the esoteric philosophy of Bruce Lee?
Artificial Intelligence Featured AI Crash Course for Academics Introducing a Crash Course in Generative AI for academics.
News A cluster analysis of pop/rock harmony I am happy to announce that that article, "A cluster analysis of harmony in the McGill Billboard dataset", has been published in Empirical Musicology Review.
Data Science Psychographic profiling and Cambridge Analytica Cambridge Analytica doesn't give the recipe for their secret sauce. No one does. But knowing the data they have and the science that exists means we can piece things together.