Artificial Intelligence Is OpenAI Going Bankrupt?! Is OpenAI is going to disappear as fast as it emerged and bring all these Generative AI advancements down with it? Not likely.
Artificial Intelligence AI FAQ: Why Does AI Hallucinate? We all know that AI can "hallucinate." But why does it make up false facts and present them so confidently?
Artificial Intelligence Comparing AI Summarization Models: Bruce Lee Edition What happens when competing models try to summarize the esoteric philosophy of Bruce Lee?
Artificial Intelligence Prompt Injection: An Unsolved AI Vulnerability How secure is generative AI? Are the rewards worth the risks?
Farm to Table ChatGPT and Family Game Night I asked ChatGPT to give me some questions and answers in the style of Trivial Pursuit, for a specified category and an education level. And it worked! Mostly...
Farm to Table Featured Farm to Table: A Newsletter on All Things Data and AI You may remember this newsletter as The Disinformer, but I've migrated to a new platform with a new name. So, welcome to Farm to Table, my new newsletter on all things data and AI!